Delta County Land Use Code

Is it SAVING or THREATENING your property and the future of our county?

  • In 2021, the first zoning was imposed upon Delta County without clear notification.

    This 2024 revision of the Land Use Code is fundamentally the same and is still 229 pages long!

    This code mainly benefits big developers by taking away our decision making power.

  • Civil servants who work for us, not their political parties or ideologies.

    Trained community mediators to facilitate conflict resolution, instead of government bureaucrats who bring other adults down to the level of a few desperate people for the illusion of order and safety.

    True local governance instead of outsourcing our responsibility to bureaucrats who breed division and fear of punishment.

    Liberty to pursue self-determination and to create a thriving local economy.

    Simple, straightforward, common-sense enduring guidelines based on the unique needs of our watersheds and their residents and only changed with community action.

    Freedom to shelter our families, using real-life solutions that work in harmony with the dynamics of the natural world.

  • JOIN US at the Public Hearing for the 2024 Land Use Code Revision
    Wednesday, February 21th, 5:30 pm, 822 Grand Ave, Delta

    TELL 5 PEOPLE - unite for property rights, transparent governance, and resilient future

    PARTICIPATE - sign up for newsletter & fill out the Affidavit of Non-Consent

    ORGANIZE - come with neighbors to the next community meeting on February 11th

Public Hearing on Delta County Land Use Code


Wednesday, February 21st, 5:30 pm, 822 Grand Ave. Delta


Public Hearing on Delta County Land Use Code 〰️〰️ Wednesday, February 21st, 5:30 pm, 822 Grand Ave. Delta 〰️〰️

What and how it happened

It does not require many words to speak the truth.
— Chief Joseph

In 2021, during COVID chaos, the first ever Delta County Land Use Code (LUC) imposed zoning across the unincorporated areas of the county without providing clear notification to the affected residents, which violated the Supreme Court standards decided in the case of Holly Development, Inc. v. Board of County Commissioners (140 Colo. 95, 342 P.2d 1032 (1959), The new zoning was done without "clear, definite, and explicit, and not ambiguous" notification that the property rights of land owners were being changed. The Colorado Supreme Court decided in 1959 that if the notice of a proposed change in a zoning resolution was "insufficient, ambiguous, misleading, and unintelligible to the average citizen affected by it," the county commissioners have no jurisdiction to proceed with any hearing.

This 2024 revision is changing the zoning regulations again without notifying the property owners directly and personally. See the proposed 2024 zoning map and check if your land zoning designation has changed (for comparison here are the 2021 zoning maps). It should be noted that the proposed zoning maps were and are again hidden from public viewing before their adoption - the 2024 maps are only shown in a Delta County Independent Public Hearing Notice and are not on the county government website. Even the PC members have stated that this is unethical.

The current revision of the LUC claims to simplify but is fundamentally the same as the rejected 2023 version and is still 229 page long! The code still takes our property rights and changes them into permitted privileges. The main difference about this version is that the commissioners have actually read it this time.

The fact that we already have rules about junk and development suggests that the land use code is really about something else; mainly helping developers and taking away our decision making power.

Why is it so important?

Delta County Commissioners, freedom is not a meaningless platitude

Rights are any action which does not cause harm to another living being or their property. They are naturally inherent and protected by the constitution. By restricting the inalienable right to property with a permit, this natural right becomes a privilege. A privilege may be granted or taken away by government, based upon their preference or discretion. See multiple levels of control applied by the county government in Table 2.b of the proposed 2024 Land Use Code and the current 2021 Land Use Code.

Since the last proposed revision in 2023, some rights were "given back" to the people of Delta County. Don't be fooled by this. Incremental dissolution of our freedom is a common tactic. One message is clear - some of what we were presented last year is the ultimate goal of the government even if it takes a bit longer to get there.

This Land Use Code means whatever the commissioners want to pretend it means on any given day, making the law unknowable, unpredictable, inconsistent, arbitrary, and nonsensical. Even the PC members state that the LUC is arbitrary (the same PC that changed their bylaws when it became public that they are not following them). Furthermore, the commissioners and all other government employees claim immunity from liability from harm that comes from these "laws." (2024 LUC draft Ch. 13 Sec. 1.C)

The commissioners have been revising the code for almost two years because they claim they wanted to make the process easier and more flexible. This is the definition of government: it creates a problem and then offers a solution to solve the problem it created. How much has this cost us already?

The often-mentioned local problem was the unhealthy disposal of raw sewage from RVs by a few individuals. The government's convenient reaction is to limit the right to shelter ourselves - let's face it, the code is theft; the theft of our natural rights and the rights of generations to come.

A graduated fine schedule for violations of the Land Use Code is not part of the code but will be adopted by a separate resolution which doesn't require a public hearing (2024 LUC draft Ch.13 Sec. 3.C.1). Note that according to the code, each day that a violation exists is a separate offense (2024 LUC draft Ch.13 Sec. 1.A.2). Morality and Freedom come hand in hand; neither Morality nor Freedom will come from the fear of punishment. No one has the right to control others or the right to defraud people of their property, life and its meaning.

No one can make a difference but us!

If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, it expects what never was and never will be.
— Thomas Jefferson

We want civil servants who truly care about us, not their political parties, and who follow the values and principles of natural law.

We need trained community ombudsmen or mediators to facilitate conflict resolution, instead of government bureaucrats who bring other adults down to the level of a few desperate people for the illusion of order and safety.

Local governance relies on personal responsibility, critical thinking, regular involvement, direct communication, collaboration, and clear agreements. It promotes mature behavior and collaboration instead of outsourcing our responsibility to bureaucrats who breed division and fear of punishment.

We want to create simple, straightforward, common-sense enduring guidelines based on the unique needs of our watersheds and their residents that support self-determination and help create a resilient local economy. These guidelines outline the freedom to shelter our families, using real-life solutions like rainwater catchment, humanure composting, and designs for homes, gardens, farms, and ranches which work with the dynamics of the natural world. They can only be changed with community action. This is a strong foundation to unite upon during these changing times.

Take action!

Join us at the Public Hearing for the 2024 Land Use Code Revision on February 21th at 5:30 pm at the Delta Performing Arts Center, 822 Grand Ave in Delta.

Tell 5 friends - unite for property rights, transparent governance, and resilient future.

Participate in community action, including the Affidavit on Non-Consent.

Stay connected: sign up for our newsletter and add us to your contacts to prevent them from going to Spam/Trash.

Organize in your neighborhoods to strengthen local governance and self-sovereignty. Come with neighbors to the next community meeting on February 11th